Friday, October 15, 2010

Alone Yet Not Truly Alone

Dear God,

This week has been a bit tough for my DD. Something in school happened and at one time she felt so alone because some friends have deserted her. My heart aches at the hurt and pain I see reflected on her small face. I simply want to make it all go away -- to erase the incident in her memory...

Tonight, after school, we talked about how Jesus was abandoned by everyone when he faced the cross... Jesus' darkest hour, the time He needed His friends the most, yet they all left Him in that garden... Even so, He was not alone. Because God, You were there with Jesus. You were a comfort to Your Son, Jesus.

I see my DD getting comfort and solace from this passage tonight. The loneliness, I know, will soon pass. Her friends will one day return. But most of all, DD learned that You are always beside her. This is one lesson she won't soon forget. Thank You, Jesus, for setting the perfect example.

But a time is coming, and has come,
when you will be scattered,
each to his own home.
You will leave me all alone.
Yet I am not alone,
for my Father is with me.
John 16:32

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