Friday, November 25, 2011

Loving My Kids

Dear God,

As I type this in the corner where I sit, I notice my growing kids while they quietly do their own things with their own "big kid toys".  My heart sings praises for the love I feel for each of them.  I want to go to them, give them random hugs and kisses, and just simply draw them close to me.

Both are growing up fast, at breakneck speed, and I cherish every waking moment with them.  I love them so dearly, and nowadays, catching them for a hug is quite difficult.  Being gentle with them in word and deed is also easier said than done.

Lord, You have given me my two kids to cherish, and love, and that includes being gentle with them, especially that both are growing to be adolescents. I treasure both so much, so please help me impart Your gentleness to them.  Help me to draw them close when needed, and help me become involved in their activities.  Mold me into the Mom they both need.  Thank You, Father.

  Instead, we were like young children among you.
Just as a nursing mother cares for her children,
1 Thessalonians 2:7

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